Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Welcome back to school!

Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and great learning year for 2018!

This term we are welcoming quite a few brand new 5 year olds!  Luckily we still have some children staying on for another year in Room 1.  These children will have celebrated their 5th birthday after the 1st of May last year.  They will be the experts and leaders in Room 1.

We are starting the term with learning about learning!  After that we will learn about the past: New Zealand's past and our own past.

Don't forget to pack swimming togs as we swim at 1.30 pm daily.  Children will need their togs and a towel in a swimming (plastic) bag, to ensure their books won't get wet!  Please let me know if your child is unable to take part in this.

Also please remember that your child can only start on the day they turn 5 or shortly thereafter.  We are unable to start them any earlier.  

I am looking forward to meeting you all again and am looking forward to a busy, fun-filled term!

Kia ora, Gertie.

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