Thursday, 12 May 2016

Science test 3

We mixed colours and looked at the reaction...we created different colours! Here is some of our work!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Science test 2

We are learning that when we mix two things we might get a reaction!

So today we mixed baking soda and vinegar. (We added a bit of dye as well).

What we saw happening (the reaction) was quite exciting: mini volcanoes.

We are learning to observe closely and draw what we see. Here are some of our observations!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Week 2 Term 2

Welcome to Week 2

You will have read in our school’s newsletter that we are trialling a different time table. We will have a 10 minute break at 10.05 am, followed by a 20 minute break at 11.15am. Our lunchtime will start at 12.35 until 1.30pm.

I have been telling children to eat only a little bit during the first break, and a little bit more during the second break. I have noticed that they cannot manage to eat their yoghurts during the first 2 breaks, so have asked them to keep yoghurts in their lunch boxes until lunchtime.

I think this new timetable is quite beneficial for the juniors  (a little bit of food and some running around refreshes them). Perhaps you could tell your child which item of food is for the first break and which one for the second one. I keep telling them not to eat their sandwiches until lunchtime. We are getting better at it!

We are also doing a lot of running at fitness time (first 10 minutes of the morning) to get prepared for Cross Country later this term. I have noticed that some of the juniors can get upset about it, but I keep telling them that they are allowed to walk when they get tired. Perhaps you can talk to your child about that as well.