Friday, 10 June 2016


Sir Ken on education

I couldn't agree more!
"Great teachers mentor, stimulate, provoke and engage" says Sir Ken Robinson. "But what we have here is a culture of standardisation"

Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish -- and how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational "death valley" we now face, and how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.


Here is Fergus explaining to his classmates what he and several of his colleagues have made this morning: a map with even a space station take off platform...great oral language opportunity. They worked really well together with Fergus being a very thoughtful leader. Kapai guys!

Rocket ship

A big thank you to Olivia's dad Dan, who came and helped us make a rocket ship. We are learning about all the planets in space around our Sun. We are also learning about sound! The rocket ship has some cool speaking tubes and "phones" that children can use to learn about sound and how sound travels. What a neat, busy morning! THANK YOU Dan!

....and it's got lights!

Thursday, 9 June 2016


This is what Storypark is all about:

Problems and solutions...

We are learning to think about problems and solutions in stories and in our daily reading books.

Maths Lego games...

We are learning to add and subtract by playing games.  Today we had a lot of fun with addition and subtraction!  Look at us...we are counting all the time.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Cross Country Run!

It was a beautiful afternoon after all! Well done to all you good runners...well done to the winners!
Great attitude...not giving up easy! We can do it! Official results to come!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Values in the New Zealand Curriculum

To be encouraged, modelled, and explored

Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which people think and act.
Every decision relating to curriculum and every interaction that takes place in a school reflects the values of the individuals involved and the collective values of the institution.
The values on the list below enjoy widespread support because it is by holding these values and acting on them that we are able to live together and thrive. The list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive.
Students will be encouraged to value:
  • excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties
  • innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively
  • diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages
  • equity, through fairness and social justice
  • community and participation for the common good
  • ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment
  • integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethically
and to respect themselves, others, and human rights.
The specific ways in which these values find expression in an individual school will be guided by dialogue between the school and its community. They should be evident in the school’s philosophy, structures, curriculum, classrooms, and relationships. When the school community has developed strongly held and clearly articulated values, those values are likely to be expressed in everyday actions and interactions within the school.
Through their learning experiences, students will learn about:
  • their own values and those of others
  • different kinds of values, such as moral, social, cultural, aesthetic, and economic values
  • the values on which New Zealand’s cultural and institutional traditions are based
  • the values of other groups and cultures.
Through their learning experiences, students will develop their ability to:
  • express their own values
  • explore, with empathy, the values of others
  • critically analyse values and actions based on them
  • discuss disagreements that arise from differences in values and negotiate solutions
  • make ethical decisions and act on them.
All the values listed above can be expanded into clusters of related values that collectively suggest their fuller meanings. For example, "community and participation for the common good" is associated with values and notions such as peace, citizenship, and manaakitanga.

Key competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum

About the key competencies

Key competencies are the capabilities people have, and need to develop, to live and learn today and in the future.
The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies:
  • Thinking
  • Relating to others
  • Using language, symbols, and texts
  • Managing self
  • Participating and contributing
All of these key competencies are of equal and utmost importance in Room 1, daily.
We are learning to work together and listen to each other.
We manage ourselves by putting our gear away in the morning and focus on our work and play.
We learn to read and write and do maths.
We participate and contribute with all we do!
Children learn about these key competencies in real life scenarios, or role play. 
These key competencies are discussed and named often.

Schools in Finland...

Amazing changes in Finland.
Schools in Finland