Thursday, 25 August 2016

Welcome Muller!

Here is Muller. He has recently arrived from South Africa and has started to make new friends in Room 1!

Building things...

There is some great building going on in Room 1. Future architects or town planners? They certainly love building together!

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

We are learning to...W.A.L.T.

We have started exciting professional whole staff development at our school. The aim is to turn children from passive into active learners who can describe what they are learning, how to do it, and what their next step is. We start with writing. I am sure I shared these pictures with you before. They are also pasted into your child's writing book. We are now going to really discuss this learning and see where they are at. Research says that children who know exactly what they are learning  and who can say what their next learning step is accelerate much faster. So let's get started with this learning journey!