Friday, 16 March 2018

The end of the week!

Our teacher today was Zara, welcoming us and setting up the date board. Great job Zara!

Today we have been learning to use symbols to make a sound-scape:
After that we designed our own symbols for a land-scape: the landscape that surrounds us! We have also learned to label these land-marks using Te Reo:

...and here is Elijah who has learned to write his name really well.  He labelled all his Mobilo creations!

Ka kite ano! See you all Monday!

PS: all Room 1 children did a spelling test today. You will find the results in your child's homework book!

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

This week - week 7!

This week we have two assistant teachers in Room 1.  It is their task to welcome everyone, get the date board ready and then take on a teaching role.  Well done Ryker and Sophia!

After that our maths time start.  It is great to see the children challenging themselves and others with new maths problems!

We have had an unexpected special visitor - Mr Weta.  We studied the weta and then learned to write a report.  A report needed to have facts and should have verbs like: is, has, can, lives.  Here is some of our work and the material we used for our study. 

Studying our native flora and fauna fits well with our current study about our past.  Children are learning that while there once was an abundance of species, nowadays we have to protect these to ensure our national treasures - our taonga - do not become extinct!.

After writing time, our reading time starts.  Today we learned about characters and settings of a story.  We listened to a Maori myth and then, after some discussion worked hard to produce some excellent work. Tu meke!