On Thursday 27 October, next week already, the juniors (Room 1 and 2) will attend a fun games day at Putaruru Primary School. We will be travelling by bus.
The day will start at 10am with morning tea. After that the games will start. We will have lunch at 12 and return to school at around 1pm.Children will need to bring their normal morning tea, lunch, a drink, a jacket (just in case) and a sunhat.
We will need 6 parent helpers to walk with the teams. Please give me (or Chris or Sarah Monteith) a ring at school a.s.a.p if able to help out.
A newsletter about this will be coming home as soon as possible, today or tomorrow. Return slips should be returned by Tuesday. Sorry about the lateness of information.
So, if you are up for a fun morning at the Putaruru Primary please let us know! Thanks!!!
Gertie and Sarah.