Friday, 18 March 2016


We are learning our letters and letter sounds daily. In class, on our iPads I have downloaded an excellent App that helps children with this. Here is the App...

NZ Fauna is an interesting app!

And these ones for choosing time in class are very popular....

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Energised New Entrants

Please take a few minutes to read about this excellent initiative. Olivia from Sports Waikato is running workshops to assist in providing New Entrant children with the best possible start to their schooling. The workshop will be at Putaruru Primary School from 10-11 am or 6-7pm, on April 6. Please phone Olivia to register. 

Monday, 14 March 2016

Greedy Cat...

Some of our finished work!

A sparkly world...

We look after ourselves first by eating healthy food.
We are then able to look after our family.
If our family is healthy and happy, then they are able to look after our school and community.
They, in turn, are looking after the wider world... All of us together can make the world sparkle!