Saturday, 23 July 2016

Term 3 starts on Monday

Pfew, our classroom is set up and ready for a new term. Room 1 is ready to welcome everyone on Monday!
This term we are going to study the art of Eric Carle, so there will be lots of painting, patterning and cutting to create our own new art based on his work.
Our focus this term is Technology with an eye on sustainability. Room 1 will focus on 'creature  housing' and how to attract a variety of (native) insects / creatures to the area behind Room 1 and 2. Children will draw and design their own insect housing ideas, and possibly make them too.
We will also be looking at making that area more attractive based on children's ideas.
Based on Eric Carle's art we will design and make our own ideal backyard creatures!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fantastic term ahead. Enjoy! Max is really ready for school tomorrow.
