Thursday, 25 February 2016 true

Just had to share this poem!
...and thank you for your comments and feedback on this blog. It makes keeping up with it much more worthwhile!


  1. The blog is great,is nice to have a snapshot of your child's day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes nothing is what parents and teachers do all day as well!

  4. Love this!!! both girls tell me they did "nothing", I start with asking if they ate their lunch, then did they go swimming, then I make something up and they chime in noooooooo and both tell me what they did...with a few made up stories for the trip home, Quite entertaining!!! Love that poem....for years, as a teen my Dad asked me what I did at school, I used to say nothing, so he started asking if I ate my lunch, and got a yes from me.
