Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Our new Reading Table...

Today we had our first reading lessons of the year. We sat around our new super duper reading table and guess what...? We are allowed to write on it. It is a whiteboard table! Now we can put our reading finger on words we are learning and then just write it on the table! How cool is that!

We also talked about our families and here is a snap-shot of our work!  Tumeke Room 1. We must be the most clever class at Te Waotu School!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Awesome table!!! and loving the family pics!!!

  3. Gertie. This is wonderful. Max's brain must be so full from the day he only talks about the last thing he did in the afternoon so this blog is a lovely way to be informed. Thank you.

  4. Gertie. This is wonderful. Max's brain must be so full from the day he only talks about the last thing he did in the afternoon so this blog is a lovely way to be informed. Thank you.

  5. Hey, thanks. It is nice to get messages here. For some reason they are appearing twice! I'll have to investigate that!
