Wednesday 23 March 2016

A very BIG thank you...

A very Big thank you to all parents for ensuring Homework books are being returned to school daily.
I really value all your entries on the weekly reading log. It is neat to see the progress children are making.

We are ready for something new in Room 1. Meet our big friend Inky. He lives in Room 1, has his own lunchbox, and helps children learn the letters and their sounds.
Inky is going to come home to your place for 1 night until every child has had a turn. Then we start all over again.

Inky will come with a big book for your child to draw, or write about Inky's visit to their place. This book will be shared with Room 1 after every visit.

Meet Inky.

I have shared this idea with Room 1 children and there is already a waiting list! ;-)

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