Sunday 28 February 2016


Haere mai! Welcome to NZAEE Seaweek!  

Seaweek 2016 will take place from Saturday 27 February to Sunday 6 March 2016. 

The theme will beToiora te Moana – Toiora te Tangata – Healthy Seas, Healthy People


Seaweed is New Zealand’s annual national week about the sea.
 Hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE),
 Seaweek focuses on learning from the sea. It’s about exciting and inspiring 
all New Zealanders to renew their connections with the sea! 
Not just for children or those involved with formal education – 
it’s a time for all of us to get to know our ocean, its habitats, 
characteristics and inhabitants better.
So this week, in Room 1, we will focus on learning about the ocean 
and its inhabitants.

1 comment:

  1. Fergus was telling me tonight about starfish, whales being the biggest creatures in the sea and that we should never put rubbish in the water!
